Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day 2!

I wrote a page and a half today. It may not seem like a lot but for the first day, under the circumstances, I think that that is pretty satisfying. When you are working on your GPA at school it takes up a lot of your day. Therefore leaving you without any time for extra curricular activities. Such as writing, like this. This would be an experience I am familiar with since, today thats exactly what happened. Like I had said in one of my earlier posts, you don't always half to start with the beginning. I started with the end yesterday and worked about three pages. Today I made a goal for more of the beginning. This way I know how it starts and I know how it ends. Then all I would half to accomplish is what happens in the middle, to link those two together. I am going to write a little more when I am done here, before I rest my eyes for the night. Until Tomorrow!

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