Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Point Of Views!

When you go to write something people usually just write what comes to their mind at the time. But what you really need to think about is the Point Of View, otherwise known as POV. There are three main points of view. These include:
Third Person Omniscient Point Of View- The narrator knows what all the characters in the story are thinking and feeling.
Third Person Limited Point Of View- The narrator knows what a character is thinking and feeling and only the actions of other characters.
First Person Point Of View- The character speaks about themselves, their thoughts, actions, etc. (for example: "I walked down the stone pathway thinking what have I just gotten myself into?")
When deciding upon your point of view in the story it is crucial that you stick with it. This is so that your story makes sense through out the entire thing. For example, if you weren't sticking to this plan, it would turn out like this:
"I walked through the double doors, that lead to the classrooms at my local school, thinking about the earlier events. Then he walked up to a door with the two white numbers, 27 bolted into the front side of the wooden door showing the number of the classroom, his face looking unsure. The boy walked into the classroom and watched all the fellow classmates stare back at him as he moved to his seat feeling uneasy."
Even though this might all go together, storyline wise, the narration doesn't fit. Therefore making it more than one Point Of View and it is wrong. So when writing a storyline think of what you want. Once you have chosen your selected Point Of View then start writing your story. Remember that through out the story line, your chosen Point Of View. There isn't much more to say other than that be wise when choosing your point of view, since you will be staying with that throughout the entire storyline. Until next time!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

No Excuses, Just A Change.

I do realize how much days I have missed and I feel horrible about it. Words cannot explain how guilty I feel about not writing. But there are no excuses. I do believe that updating every day is a little much. And theres not a lot that happens all in one day. So as of now I will forever be updating on Wednesday's and Sunday's. This way I have more time to write before I post, more things to talk about, and much longer posts. Again, I'm sorry for the long wait. Until Wednesday!!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


I finally did it. I woke up this morning and wrote about three to four pages before I started my day. Then at night I updated my blog, which would be right now. Overall I am pretty proud of myself. Even though this isn't much of a accomplishment in the big picture, it is a start. Since I have just been saying how my writing is going tomorrow I will upload some tips and advice. After a long day, all anyone wants to do is just fall asleep, maybe listen to some calm music, and that is exactly what I am going to do. Until then.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Daily Routine

Today I was bombarded with school work and had practice after school, leaving me with barely any time for writing. Since I overslept this morning. Feeling overwhelmed from work I sat down in a calm environment, listening to country music. I wrote. I wrote about two pages. Before I sat down and wrote I was only thinking of how overwhelmed I was feeling and pressured and busy. Then I got spare moment and sat down for a while and just opened my notebook. The minute I uncapped my pen, a boatload of ideas came rushing into my head. I guess it would seem that I would feel more overwhelmed, almost to the point of exploding. But that didn't even cross my mind. I felt happy that after having nothing on my mind but work, that I was able to sit down and recover all the ideas in my head from the past day. This way, even though I didn't write a lot, I now know what I need to do when I write. Get in a comforting environment. I think this helps a lot, it also relieves all the stress from the day, or from the day before ( for people who write in the morning ). So tomorrow I will be putting up my "reminders" of my daily writing. Seeing that I did not do that today, this is why I am updating my blog at 11 at night. I am tired and had to drag myself out of bed for this, but if I did not update I would feel horrible. The reminder in the back of my head saying, "Update your blog don't forget..." over and over again would just increase. It is the feeling of having a routine, a schedule. Some people enjoy this, some don't. I am all for both, meaning that my routine for this isn't horrifyingly strict. I write in the morning and update in the afternoon. Anyways, basically I wrote in the afternoon and updated very late at night (11 PM), meaning that tomorrow I will put up my reminder's , reminding me of my daily writing in the morning (this was stated in an earlier post). Until then!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Daily Reminder's

Even though it might be difficult it is critical to stick to the daily schedule. This schedule being able to write at a certain time of the day. This is an issue I am having some difficulty with and it is not even ten days into my goal. So if I really need to make this work I am going to put reminders everywhere. So that when I wake up I am greeted with a message of my daily writing. So that when I get home from school, there is a new text message:
Text: DAILY WRITING!!! don't forget!
This way there isn't anyway that I can forget this. So that by the end of the month I am tearing down these reminders, knowing that the next day I will reach this goal with out any help.
This is the plan I have until it won't be needed anymore.
Until tomorrow!

Sunday, February 6, 2011


I did not post yesterday and felt bad about it when this morning came around. So today, instead of watching the game, I went to the beach. I brought my notebook in so that I could get some writing done while I was there. I did manage to get a lot of writing done as well as time to think about my story. The most important part of it all was the fact that I had inspiration. The beach was peaceful, quite, and inspirational. It helped me think of ideas and get them moving. The setting made me want to finish this. That is why I think that everyone needs to find their inspiration, that way it can help finish your task.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Post-It Method

This morning I wrote about two or three pages at the most. Even though I had mentioned that my time to write during the day was in the morning today wasn't the same. It is best to keep a straight forward and constant schedule if you are wishing to pursue something like I am. This is why I still wrote a little. That morning, something else had caught my imagination.

My guide. As it says on underneath my "Guides" on my homepage of my blog I am using a "guide" called "This Year You Write Your Novel" by Walter Mosley. So this morning I was reading through the book and using it as a guide and source for and helping me with my writing. I do think that it has some good ideas within this source. One helping way for me to remember these phrases and parts in the text in to highlight. If you have a book like this, and it is yours (not the library's or a friends), then you can write, highlight, underline right in the book. You could also put those small post-its on the page so that you can just turn straight to it. So this morning after I wrote a little, I went through this book footnoting all the parts that I wanted to look back on some time later. I had grabbed a highlighter, pencil, and some mini post-it's, and the book and sat down for a while. This is a method I think works very well. Whether it be a rough draft of a paper for school, or magazine you can use this anywhere.

Since I only wrote a little bit this morning I have a plan of writing more than usual tomorrow morning. So until then, off to bed!